Did you know there are many famous celebrities with hearing loss? I have compiled a list of celebrities with hearing loss from many different blogs into one power list!* Hearing loss has many faces; from tinnitus, to hearing aids, to deafness. I applaud these brave famous people for bringing awareness to a condition that affects billions of Americans.
Arnold Palmer
Barbara Streisand
Bill Clinton
Brian Wilson
Chris Martin
Danny Elfman
Eric Clapton
Gerard Butler
Halle Berry
Holly Hunter
Huey Lewis
Jane Lynch
Jodie Foster
Leslie Nielsen
Lou Ferringno
Luis Miguel
Marlee Matlin
Pete Townsend
Phil Collins
Rob Lowe
Robert Redford
Roger Daltrey
Rush Limbaugh
Stephen Colbert
Whoopi Goldberg
William Shatner
These famous folks have hearing loss as a result of many different causes, but all of them have taken steps to maximize their hearing, and so can you by contacting Compass Hearing Center at (806)592-7030.
*information gathered from the following sites: